Our Community’s Generous Support Helps Fulfill Our Mission
Hospice Satilla’s Foundation is dedicated to raising funds to support the mission of Hospice Satilla. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we enhance the quality of life for patients and their families facing end-of-life decisions and ensure no one is ever denied care due to an inability to pay.
Silver Bowl Gala
The annual Silver Bowl Gala is held every year at the residence of a Hospice Satilla benefactor and is historically one of the area’s largest charitable events. Now in its 12th year, the purpose of the gala is to support operating costs associated with the Donald Waters Center for Caring and help fund charity care for patients. All are invited to the Thursday, November 14, 2024 signature fundraising event in support of Hospice Satilla’s mission to ensure the people of our community receive personalized, quality hospice care regardless of their ability to pay. Click here for information on this year’s event.
Camp Hope
Join us for Camp Hope, Saturday, October 12, 2024. This annual grief camp is for children ages 5-18 years old who have experienced a significant loss through the death of someone close to them. Children attend small group sessions conducted by certified counselors and engage in therapeutic activities to give them the opportunity to process their feelings and emotions from arts and crafts to horseback riding, lawn sports, games, rock climbing, and singing to name a few.
This important camp for healing is funded by the generosity of our donors. If you know a child that would benefit from attending Camp Hope, please send an email to Misty Strickland, MSW at [email protected].
Butterfly Run
Saturday, November 2, 2024.
Junior Board of Directors
We are happy to announce our newly formed Junior Board of Directors! Members of the committee act as ambassadors in the community to raise awareness of the services that Hospice Satilla provides including hospice care, palliative care, and our pediatrics program.
For more information on Hospice Satilla’s Junior Board of Directors, please contact Julie Tanner [email protected].

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